Monday, December 1, 2008

The Names Black People Give Their Kids

Is it completely necessary for innocent black babies to get names like Shaniqua, JoQuan, or LaShondra? These poor kids don't really have a say in the matter and they get tied down to a name that 1) no one can read, 2) no one can pronounce, and 3) is mocked at by others who say the name while moving their chin from side to side and whipping their finger in the air to make the name sound truly ghetto. 

Don't get me wrong, I love some strong creativity every now and then... but sometimes, people really exceed the boundaries. What cruel mother would name her child Coco Crisp? What on earth would possess you to name your child something that makes people lick their lips at the thought of a delicious cereal delight. And God Shamgod?? Seriously, was your son so amazing when he popped out of your vagina that you thought to call him "God". Unbelievable. 

And that isn't the end of it... I have heard tell of poor, innocent children being named Shithead (pronounced Sha-Theed), Mistake (pronounced Mis-Tawk-Ay), and Burden (pronounced ber-DEN). What kind of cruel mothers do this to their children... And here's the thing... imagine their poor Kindergarten teacher taking roll call for the first time and not knowing how to pronounce little Shithead Smith's name in front of the entire class. Talk about sending your kid through hell and back... for their entire life!

At least we aren't seeing rapper names on birth certificates yet... Although I believe that will be in the near future.  We'll have little tykes running around with names like FittyCent Jones, SouljaBoy Johnson, and FlavaFlave Rogers.  Once we start seeing these names flying around LaBron Elementary School... the world is near its end...

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